
Welcome to 0xEngage’s documentation page.

What is 0xEngage?

0xengage is a Solana protocol to allow dapps and wallets to communicate with each other.

How does it work?

You can access 0xengage via G3mefhJTnrSAtkrGFtztYeAo9nkM1kyNXkqaFkikfAmD program on devnet. More protocol details are coming soon.


npm install @0xengage/client


import { Mailbox } from '@0xengage/client';

// Initialize mailbox for a receiver and start sending messages.
const mailbox = new Mailbox(conn, { receiverAddress, payer, });

// Send messages
await mailbox.send("text0");
await mailbox.send("text1");

// Fetch messages
// This returns:
// [
//  { sender: 'senders_public_key', data: 'text0' },
//  { sender: 'senders_public_key', data: 'text1' },
// ]
const messages = await mailbox.fetch();

// Get number of messages in a mailbox
// This returns: 2
const messageCount1 = await mailbox.count();

// Receiver can close message accounts and retrieve rent.
const mailbox2 = new Mailbox(conn, { receiver, payer, });
await mailbox2.pop();
await mailbox2.pop();

// This returns: 0
const messageCount2 = await mailbox.count();

Transaction API

If you’d like to construct Transaction objects to interact with the 0xengage protocol, but submit transactions to the network yourself, you can use the client as follows:

import { Mailbox } from '@0xengage/client';

// Initialize mailbox for receiver
const mailbox = new Mailbox(conn, { receiverAddress, payerAddress, });

// Construct transactions to send messages. You may then submit
// `sendTx0` and `sendTx1` to the network. When submitting note
// that `payer` must sign the transaction.
const sendTx0 = await mailbox.makeSendTx("text0");
const sendTx1 = await mailbox.makeSendTx("text1");

// Fetch messages
// This returns:
// [
//  { sender: 'senders_public_key', data: 'text0' },
//  { sender: 'senders_public_key', data: 'text1' },
// ]
const messages = await mailbox.fetch();

// You can construct transactions to pop messages as follows. Note
// that receiver must sign the transaction in order for it to
// succeed.
const popTx0 = await mailbox.makePopTx();
const popTx1 = await mailbox.makePopTx();


Join the community on the 0xEngage group on Telegram for questions or feedback.